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Fife Writes

George White - I wull keep oan loving.

I wull keep oan loving.

Aye…..but I wull keep oan loving
the ugliness and the cruelty…
ah ken wull keep oan coming
but I wull keep oan loving….
and the weak wull suffer
as they aye hiv suffered
but I wull keep oan loving…
and men wull lie and cheat
as they alwies hiv
tae win some brief advantage
ower aw the ithers
but I wull keep oan loving…
evil wull continue tae be done,
ma trust betrayed agane and agane,
this a ken fine weel
but I wull keep oan loving…
It is no fur ithers tae change ma nature
fur it be mine and mine alane
and ah wull guard it jealously
nay maiter whit they micht dae……
I wull keep oan loving.

George White Sept 2022

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