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Fife Writes

Roger Knight - The inestimable value of gazofilacio

The inestimable value of gazofilacio
[ the treasure chamber of the mind and where we store our memorised poetry.]

It would be rare if this book did not contain one single line worthy of staying with you to the end.  Introduction to Jorge Luis Borges selected poems.

When we first read or hear them, they can stop us in our tracks, due to their piercing truth and well expressed, sublime wisdom that affirms and uplifts us.
So much so, that we consign some of those poems, or at least fragments of them to memory.
During our lifetimes we carry these with us, reciting them to ourselves or aloud as we seek consolation from our ills.
They can be a means of dealing with setbacks and misfortune, giving some succor when needed. 
Our poetical repertoire remains in our treasure chamber to be drawn on when any psychological resuscitation becomes necessary, and until such time as our memory starts to fade and we are robbed of these acquired poetical gems, that we have learnt by heart and have kept for so long.
Sometimes though, they can be rekindled by an unexplained trigger and for a brief time, that long stored poem is given its deserved utterance and prominence, before the memory of it is finally erased.

RAK 2/23

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