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Fife Writes

Our Programme of Activities for 2024/25

Our current programme is as follows:

Open Mic Events

We run an Open Mic once per month to allow writers of all genres showcase their latest work. These events are free of charge and open to everyone, members, non-members, friends and family. They may be held online (using Zoom) or in-person depending on venue availability.

Writing Support Groups - Members Only

We run a number of peer-led support groups, all held over Zoom. Our current programme is as follows:

Support Group Occurrence Time Status
Poetry/Short Story Writingfirst Tuesday of the month2pm to 4pmWAITING LIST
Poetry Onlysecond Wednesday of each month7.30pm to 9pmWAITING LIST
Flash Fictionsecond Thursday of each month7:00pm to 8.30pmSPACES
Novel Writingsecond Friday of the month7pm to 9pmSPACES
Memoir Writingthird Monday of the month7.30pm to 9pmWAITING LIST
Scriptwritingthird Tuesday of the month7.30pm to 9pmONE SPACE

You can join Fife Writes as a member by filling in the membership form on our Membership Page. Members who wish to join one of these groups must email to check availability (some are already full).

Workshops and Special Events

At various times throughout the year, we run workshops and special events with guest speakers/facilitators. These are usually available to everyone, though some may have preferential access for members, depending on numbers.

Special Projects

It is hoped that during 2024/25 we will be able to run a number of special projects. Watch this space for more details.